I’m Ali Serag. I live in Vancouver, where I make magic.
As Arthur C. Clarke famously said, “any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.” But I believe it goes beyond that - the very root of the word ‘magic’ in Indo-European, ‘magh’, means ‘to be able.’ Technology is an enabling force that has the power to positively impact billions in just one week of creative effort.
That’s why I’m passionate about technology’s ability to create magic in people’s lives. To me, technology is not just a tool, but a force for transformation. I’m committed to building products that not only serve a useful purpose but also have the ability to create a sense of wonder and enchantment in the lives of their users. With every project I work on, I strive to harness the potential of technology to unlock new possibilities and bring joy and amazement to the world.
I’m a Computer Science graduate from the University of British Columbia with a knack for technology and community. I have a broad range of experiences in the tech industry, from co-founding a fintech startup to working as a Senior product manager at Zenshop, building cutting-edge DeFi tools in Web3.
I discovered my passion for the magic that is human-centered technology at university, where I both developed a sticky habit for raspberry kombucha and co-founded Fostrum, a fintech startup that was backed by Barclays Bank. Our startup was selected into the highly selective and prestigious Techstars accelerator program, where my team boasted the youngest ever CEO the program had admitted. This experience taught me the importance of entrepreneurship, teamwork, and innovation.
Throughout my academic career, I have always sought to take on new challenges and make a positive impact in my community. In my second year, I chaired Canada’s largest tech intern community, organized a multicultural parade, managed a municipal election campaign, and contributed to various tech companies including SAP, developing predictive analytics software used at giants like Alphabet Inc.
My commitment to service and community is also reflected in my work with several not-for-profit initiatives, including CovidImpact, which aims to unlock $3B in small business aid and is supported by IBM & UNESCO. As the head of the Vancouver Global Shapers hub by the World Economic Forum, I regularly work with other shapers in solving local and nation-wide challenges on diverse topics from policy to education.
In addition to my professional and community work, I have a love for poetry, food, and ideating on how technology can educate, build community, and create magic in people’s lives. I have been fortunate enough to receive nearly a dozen tech awards, including the Code the Curve global competition by UNESCO and IBM, and contributed to grant development with a national Foodbank securing funding for ~1.5M to help those most severely impacted by COVID-19.
I hope this website provides you with an insight into my work and passions. Thank you for visiting!